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We use cookies for various purposes including analytics. By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the Cookies Policy. OK, I Understand Utorrentmac中文版是Mac下大名鼎鼎的BT下载软件,是一款小巧的BT客户端程序,拥有常见的功能,但是不支持UDP的tracker服务器。 Hi! I am a user on this torrent site.but tixati is not a valid client they sayd,so i got "jaild"and was unable to download from theyr site before i changed my client..I was wondering..is there any wa MAC版uTorrent1.8.743796破解去广告版本MAC版uTorrent1.8.utorrentmac版更多下载资源、学习资料请访问CSDN下载频道. Express Zip - Logiciel de compression de fichiers est un outil d'archivage et de compression facile

the thing is, this vuze/azureus bashing has been going on for years now, with people claiming its bloated, used by most cheaters, open source (thus easily modifiable) and so on, creating an undeserved negative bias towards this client (prime suspect = competition ) which was one of the reasons for its decline in terms of ever-lower userbase

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Aki az oldalra, annak fejlesztőire, vagy a Staff-ra megjegyzést tesz, azonnali kitiltásban részesül! Ha a kérésed előtt nem használod a keresőt, és a kérésed megtalálható az oldalon, töröljük a kérésedet, és a felajánlott pontodat levonjuk tőled büntetésként (További szabályok a Kérések menüben)!

the thing is, this vuze/azureus bashing has been going on for years now, with people claiming its bloated, used by most cheaters, open source (thus easily modifiable) and so on, creating an undeserved negative bias towards this client (prime suspect = competition ) which was one of the reasons for its decline in terms of ever-lower userbase Right now, the only feature I see in uTorrentMac for trashing original torrent files is for automatically added .torrents from a specified folder. It would be great if their was an option added to the Preferences for manually added torrents .torrent files to be deleted, too. Szabályzat ( Rules ) / FAQ µTorrent est un client BitTorrent (protocole permettant le téléchargement rapide de fichiers grâce au partage et au transfert simultané), il en suit donc les rè How Remote Monitoring and Management software can make your business more… uTorrent Web (µTorrent Web) 1.1.0 Deutsch: uTorrent ist ein BitTorrent-Client, der sich durch seine geringe Größe auszeichnet. Jul 01, 2007 · uTorrentMac said: I can tell you unless uTorrent has stopped seeding beta versions to testers, all development of a uTorrent Mac version has ceased. I'm hoping the development will pick up again, but right now it looks grim.